
5 tips for buying a good value car!

1. Buy a car that fits our purpose. It comes accross my mine that this is the first tip. Buy a car that we need, not what we want (except you have unlimited income!). I we need a car for going to office everyday plus to groceries once or twice a week then we buy a small nice car. No need a 4WD for this purpose.

2. Buy a car that our mechanic recommends. After seeing mechanic several times I just realised that we should buy a car that our mechanic recommends. I realised that mechanic knows many car secrets. He knows which car is cheaper to maintain, cheaper to fix, and which car is cheaper to run!

3. Buy a car from a trusted person (in case we buy a second hand car). This is from my personal experience, I realised that we should buy a car from a trusted or neat person. It is even better if we can buy a car from a friend who treats his car better than the way he treats his girlfriend. Just we want to besure that we buy a good car, inside and outside!

4. Negotiate for favorable interest rate. I got this tip from . If we want to buy a car by loan then we better negotiate the loan's interest with the bank or financial institution. The page states that in US if you have good credit rating you can ask for lower interest rate. But, this might not happen in other country. And sometime its wiser to buy a car by cash.

5. Buy a car that has highest resale value. I never forget my brother's advice when I want to buy my first car, he said: "Buy a car that has high resale value". He added that I dont want to use a car till it rotten, but one day I have to sell it. So, I believed that we better buy a car which can be sold at a good price, at least we will have a good start for a new car!

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